Apple Watch Saves Delhi Woman’s Life: See How

A cool tech thing just saved a lady’s life in Delhi! Yep, it’s the Apple Watch. Apple Watch alert saved a Delhi woman’s life. Sneha Sinha, this woman from Delhi, was just minding her own business when her watch buzzed like crazy. Turns out, her heart was going bonkers!

Now, Sneha didn’t think much of it at first. But then her watch flashed a message: “Go see a doc!” That got her attention real quick. So, she went to the hospital.

Doctors said it was a close call. Even though Sneha didn’t have any health issues before, her Apple Watch caught something fishy going on with her heart. That’s some next-level monitoring, right?

While she was on her way to the hospital, Sneha kept an eye on her heart rate with her watch. And when she saw that alert, she knew she had to act fast.

This whole thing got Sneha thinking about how tech is changing healthcare. I mean, who would’ve thought a watch could save your life?

So, Sneha sent an email to Tim Cook, the big boss at Apple, thanking him for making such a life-saving gadget. She told him how the watch can even spot serious heart stuff like atrial fibrillation. And guess what? Tim Cook actually replied! He was relieved she got help in time and thanked her for sharing her story.

This whole story just shows how tech can do some pretty amazing stuff, especially when it comes to keeping us healthy. Thanks, Apple Watch, for being a real-life superhero!

Source Times Of India :

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