India’s Technological Journey: Insights from Narayana Murthy

Infosys founder NR Narayana Murthy shared his thoughts on India’s progress in technology during a recent interview with CNBC-TV18 at an Infosys Science Foundation event. He talked about India’s achievements in using global innovations and the importance of creating our own technologies.

Progress and Challenges

Murthy said that India has made big improvements in using technologies from other countries. Fifty or sixty years ago, India had trouble using innovations from the developed world. Today, things are different. “I think India has made decent progress,” Murthy said. “We have come from a time when we couldn’t even use the inventions and innovations that were introduced in the developed world fifty or sixty years ago.”

Role of Government and Schools

Murthy praised the Indian government and schools for helping create an environment where India can use global innovations. He said, “Thanks to all the wonderful work done by the government and our institutes of higher learning, we have reached an orbit where we are in a position to use the inventions and innovations that take place in the developed world.”

Importance of Creating Our Own Innovations

Murthy stressed the need for India to focus more on creating our own technologies. He mentioned initiatives like Setu’s Sesame and Ola’s Krutrim AI as great examples of local entrepreneurship. He said that state and central governments should make sure that red tape does not stop new ideas. “Home-grown innovations are crucial,” Murthy stated.

Future Prospects

Murthy feels positive about the future of technologies like generative AI in India. He believes that with the country’s strong talent pool and continued support from various sectors, India will not only adopt new technologies but also create significant advancements for the world.

In conclusion, Murthy stressed the need to reduce bureaucratic obstacles, support young talent, and use strengths in education and government support. He believes these steps are essential for India to become a leader in technology innovation.

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